Sunday, May 25, 2014


Forgiveness, it's easier to forgive others then forgive oneself. I think that that is not forgiveness at all. Hypocrisy in it's most subtle way.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I've learned nothing in all these
But to taste the Ocean within my tears.

Greetings :)

Intro? Honestly I am not so good at those. I can give you a description of what I will be posting, but I don't even know. Mainly, I want to share poems by different authors and my very own thoughts with you, my basic-wannabe-poetry. I love it. I love words, I live them. Everyday I write; I write phrases that I see as beautiful, dark, chaotic, sometimes inspiring, more often then not, questioning. Hence the blog name. So I want to share with you the words that float through my mind. The words that I put on paper but are lost to the world. Maybe I am being egocentric or maybe I feel so alone that I need to reassure myself that there are others that think, feel and believe in similar ways. After all, it wouldn't have taken me so many tries to come up w/ a blog name that wasn't already taken. So, that as proof, my head is not as unique as I thought, so surely I am giving myself too much credit. Either way, I hope you enjoy reading, commenting (please do, I love a good debate) No negativity, coping w/ my own is enough :) * A little bit about me: I think that I am going through a mid-20's-life crisis. Yes, this seems to be a thing I am finding to be common among my peers. I have a weird view on life. I see the beauty that few see but I also see the darkness, the cruelty that emanates from humans. I love animals, that doesn't mean I like/want to be in the same room as some of them. I find strength in solitude and I am so outspoken and direct/honest that at times it is borderline offensive. So, let's see how this goes.